There are different Seta Learnerships available at different times in 2024.
There are no costs in applying for a Learnership programme - and what makes it such an exciting opportunity is that you will be paid while you are doing the Learnership. This is because they were designed with the unemployed youth in mind - specifically South African citizens. So if you can't afford to pay study fees you should apply for a Learnership now!
Learnership 2024 Online Application
Learnerships combine workplace experience with formal training so you will gain skills, get a national qualification, and have real work experience. There will be a training provider or college attached to the Learnership that will give you the formal learning part. Learnerships are specifically designed to assist unemployed learners in South Africa.
Learnerships For Unemployed Graduates
Seta learnerships are always linked to a qualification, and these qualifications can be at any level on the National Qualifications Framework - or NQF. That means that Learnerships are also suitable for graduates who have recently qualified with other qualifications. The length of time depends on the level of the Learnership programme but it usually happens over a one year contract period.
Learnerships For Matriculants
Not all Learnerships are for grads. Most Learnerships are actually for Matriculants, meaning those who have a grade 12, or Matric, certificate. Because there is so much demand for Learnerships from young people companies will often say that a requirement is that the applicants must have a Matric certificate. In this way Learnerships for matriculants manages to narrow down the number of applicants.
If makes sense for young people who have finished school to go on to do a Learnership because there is such demand to get jobs these days. You may have a very good Matric certificate but employers would like to see work experience as well. If you've been working hard studying, revising and getting good results there probably wasn't time to have a part-time job as well.
When a company runs a Learnership programme for matriculants they can take on a group of learners for the Learnership but they aren't required to keep them on permanently after the Learnership. The advantage for the learners is that if they work hard and perform well then the employer is likely to employ them when the Learnership is over. Even if the employer doesn't give them a full-time job after the Learnership the learner will have a 12-month period of work experience to add to their CV.
What Are Seta Learnerships?
A Learnership programme is a uniquely South African way to deal with the country's skills development problem - that is the shortage of skills and trained workers in the local workforce. It is a modern version of an apprenticeship where young people undergo training through a work based learning programme - and also gain valuable work experience.
Another benefit of a Learnershp is that it must be linked to a formal qualification. So if the learner is able to successfully complete the Learnership they will be awarded a nationally recognised qualification.
Unlike someone who gained a qualification through a college or university - the graduate of the Learnership will also gave undergone real-world workplace experience as well. The structured learning part of the Learnership programme must be delivered by an accredited training provider.