Menu For Mothers After Cesarean Section You Should Know

After a cesarean section, the mother's body loses a lot of strength, so it is necessary to have a reasonable menu for the mother after the cesarean section to be able to quickly recover her health.

There should be a diet like so that mothers after giving birth can recover the body quickly as well as provide adequate nutrients to be able to care for a healthy baby. This article will surely make pregnant women satisfied and can confidently apply this menu for mothers after cesarean section to have a healthier body. 

1. Menu for the first week for mothers after cesarean section

The principle of the first week's diet is mainly to eliminate lochia and promote wound healing. Excess water stored in the mother's body during pregnancy and blood lochia will be eliminated in the first week after birth. During the first week, the mother's diet should be detoxifying first, not nourishing. After a cesarean section, women often feel thin and have no appetite, so the main task these days is to eat and promote the recovery of digestive function. In the diet should pay attention to rich nutrition, soft taste, easy to digest, eat little, many meals.

Initially, you can drink some porridge, noodles and non-greasy soup to promote appetite, benefit the digestion and absorption of pregnant women, and replenish water. Iron content in brown sugar is 1-3 times higher than white sugar. Women lose more blood after childbirth, and eating brown sugar can boost blood production. Brown sugar is warm, has the effect of tonic blood, has the effect of unclogging postpartum, uterine. In addition, postpartum mothers should regularly supplement fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables contain many vitamins and cellulose that promote appetite, help digestion and excretion after surgery.

2. Some notes on the menu for mothers after cesarean section

After giving birth, there are many principles of eating to avoid the consequences of the mother's body later. Below we will mention some menu notes that young mothers can read to avoid. 

Try not to eat fruits and vegetables that are out of season, because the nutritional content of off-season fruits and vegetables is lower than in the current season. Also, avoid out-of-season fruits and vegetables that contain ripening agents and other things that affect your baby's health through breastfeeding.

Attention for nursing mothers: foods such as leeks and malt have a beneficial effect on milk, so it is best not to eat them. Foods that are easy to cause allergies in babies such as oranges, onions, ... can cause diarrhea, flatulence, in addition, mothers should also observe whether there is a rash on the baby's skin and avoid foods that can cause allergies. Baby is allergic after eating.

During the postpartum period, mothers should try their best to control the amount of salt, eat less acidic foods such as pickles and prunes to avoid postnatal edema. But it's not about eating salty, but the principle of eating bland. After the cesarean section, the mother should eat enough food and drink, it is best to eat warm food, for example, fruit can be eaten with warm water to keep the abdomen warm and help the body better. 

Thereby, it can be seen that what we mentioned is only a part of the eating principles of mothers after cesarean section. Hopefully, after reading this article, mothers will equip themselves with the knowledge about the menu for mothers after cesarean section to have an effective health recovery diet for both mother and baby. 

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